46. Transport Assessment Form
What is it?
Policy TRAN 1 of the Plan Strategy promotes active travel – walking and cycling. Policy TRAN 2 relates to creating an accessible environment. Policy TRAN 4 requires travel plans to be submitted for proposals for significant travel generating uses. Policy TRAN 6 relates to proposals involving access to public roads.
A Transport Assessment Form is a tool that applicants can use to screen out those applications where no further information on the transport impacts of the proposal is required. It helps the Council and DfI Roads understand the transport impacts of the proposal and how those impacts may be mitigated.
When is it required?
A Transport Assessment Form (TAF) should be submitted with applications for the following proposals:
- residential comprising 10 or more units;
- non-residential with a gross floor area of 500 sqm or more;
- likely to generate 30 or more vehicle movements per hour;
- likely to generate 10 or more freight movements per day or 5 in any given hour.
What should be included?
Applicants should complete the Transport Assessment Form at Appendix A of the Department’s Transport Assessment: Guidelines for Development Proposals in Northern Ireland (November 2006) (currently under review).
Further guidance is provided by the Transportation Supplementary Planning Guidance.