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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

40. Sequential Test (main town centre uses)

What is it?

Policy RET1 of the Plan Strategy establishes a retail hierarchy to focus new retail development in existing centres in order of preference according to their type. Policy RET2 requires proposals for main town centre uses outside of existing centres to demonstrate that there is not a sequentially preferable site in, or on the edge of, centres having regard to criteria of suitability, availability and viability.

The Sequential Test guides main town centre uses to sites within centres locations first. If no centre sites are available, developers should consider an edge of centre location. Only when centre locations or edge of centre locations are unavailable, can consideration be given to an out of centre location. In such cases the developer will still be required to demonstrate that the proposal will not harm existing centres.

When is it required?

The Sequential Test should be provided with applications for retail or other main town centre development (including cultural and community facilities, retail, leisure, entertainment and businesses) is proposed either in an edge of centre or an out of centre location. This advice is at officer level only and does not prejudice any future formal decision that the Council may wish to make. includes proposals for new build, extensions and changes of use.

What should be included?

A Sequential Test should follow the step by step approach set out in section 3.1 of the Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Supplementary Planning Guidance.

The Sequential Test should:

  • be proportionate and appropriate for the proposal;
  • establish the appropriate catchment for the proposal based on the areas from which customers/visitors/users would be attracted Catchments should include, where appropriate, an assessment of centres outside of the Council boundary, where relevant;
  • identify a catchment area based on drive time journeys from the proposed site, sub-divided into 5-minute isochrone intervals, and clearly identified on a supporting catchment area map;
  • identify which designated centres should be assessed. Where a designated centre is located outside but adjacent to the catchment, that centre should also be included in the assessment;
  • identify the sequentially preferable sites which should be assessed; and
  • assess the suitability, availability and viability of those sites; and
  • include scope for flexibility in the format and scale of the proposed development.


Further guidance is contained in the Council’s Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Supplementary Planning Guidance.

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