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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

38. Residential Quality Statement

What is it?

Policy RD1 of the Plan Strategy requires new residential development to provide appropriate open space; to create a quality and sustainable residential environment in accordance with the space standards set out in Appendix C; and to ensure that living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms have access to natural light.

Policy OS3 of the Plan Strategy requires all new development to include appropriate provision for open space. Specific requirements are set out for residential development including the provision of integral public open space and an equipped children’s play area for certain scale residential proposals.

Creating Places (Departmental guidance) provides guidance on garden and amenity standards. For dwellinghouses, the average space garden size should be around 70 sqm or greater. For any individual house, however, an area less than around 40 sqm will generally be unacceptable. In the case of apartment or flat developments, or 1 and 2 bedroomed houses on small urban infill sites, private communal open space will be acceptable in the form of landscaped areas, courtyards or roof gardens. These should range from a minimum of 10 sqm per unit to around 30 sqm per unit. The appropriate level of provision should be determined by having regard to the particular context of the development and the overall design concept.

A Residential Quality Statement sets out how proposals for new residential development addresses policy requirements and guidance around open space, amenity space, space standards and natural light.

When is it required?

A Residential Quality Statement should be provided with applications for the following forms of residential accommodation, including new build, conversion, sub-division and material changes of use:

  • new residential housing (including dwelling houses, apartments, flats and maisonettes);
  • Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs); and
  • Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation (PBMSA) accommodation.

What should be included?

A Residential Quality Statement should:

  1. For proposals of 25 or more units, set out the proposals for integral public open space and an equipped children’s play area within the development as per the requirements of Policy OS3. Where the requirements are not met, the statement shall provide justification as to why this is the case.
  2. Detail the proposed amenity space (external and internal) for each proposed residential unit, based on the following table:
Unit/Plot External Amenity Space (sqm) Internal Amenity Space (sqm) Total amenity space (sqm)

3. The size of each proposed residential unit (sqm) against the space standards in Appendix C of the Plan Strategy, based on the following table:

Unit type Minimum space standard in Appendix C (sqm) Propsed floor space (sqm) Number of units
For example, 2 person/1 bed 50 55  
For example, 4 person/3 bed (two storey) 80 95  


Further guidance is provided by the Residential Design Supplementary Planning Guidance.

Applicants should also refer to the Department’s Creating Places: Achieving Quality in Residential Environments (link opens in new window)

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