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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

37. Planning Statement Planning Policy Belfast LDP Plan Strategy – various policies

What is it?

A Planning Statement is a written document that explains the rationale for the proposal and provides an assessment in the context of the relevant local and regional planning policies.

When is it required?

A Planning Statement should be provided with applications for:

  • Major development;
  • proposals that would result in the loss of existing open space, having regard to Policy OS1 of the Plan Strategy;
  • proposals that would result in the loss of employment land; having regard to Policy EC4 of the Plan Strategy;
  • proposals that would result in the loss of community infrastructure, having regard to Policy CI1 of the Plan Strategy;
  • proposals that require the exceptions test to be applied as described in the Planning and Flood Risk Supplementary Planning Guidance, having regard to Policy ENV4 of the Plan Strategy; and
  • proposals that would result in the demolition or part demolition of either:
    • a Listed Building (Policy BH1); or
    • an un-listed building within a Conservation Area that makes a material contribution to the character or appearance of that Conservation Area (Policy BH2); or
    •  an un-listed building within an Area of Townscape Character (including draft) that makes a material contribution to the character or appearance of that Area of Townscape Character (Policy BH3).

What should be included?

The Planning Statement should set out how a development proposal takes account of relevant planning policies and other material considerations. It should include:

  1. a description of the site and its surrounding context;
  2. a description of the proposal and why it is needed;
  3. relevant planning history;
  4. summary of the relevant regional and local planning policies, including the Local Development Plan, and how those planning policies have been applied;
  5. other relevant material considerations;
  6. assessment of how the proposal addresses the key planning issues;
  7. explanation if the proposal is contrary to any of the relevant planning policies (e.g. loss of open space);
  8. suggested draft planning conditions in the event that planning permission is granted.
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