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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

35. Phasing Plan

What is it?

Policy DES1 of the Plan Strategy relates to the principles of urban design.

Policy DES2 of the Plan Strategy requires proposals for Major development to comply with specified masterplanning principles.

A Phasing Plan sets out the sequence in which the various parts of a larger development scheme will be brought forward. The phasing is indicated on a diagrammatic plan with supporting narrative that describes the sequencing and why it is to take place in that order.

When is it required?

A Phasing Plan should be provided with applications for

  • Major development; or
  • proposals intended to be implemented in phases.

What should be included?

A Phasing Plan should include the following:

  1. A plan demarcating the various proposed phases of the development;
  2. Supporting narrative that describes the sequencing of the phases and why the proposal is proposed to be implemented in that order;
  3. The sequencing of delivery of any infrastructure necessary to support the proposal;
  4. If necessary, financial viability information to support the case for phasing of the development (also see section 49, Viability Assessment).


Further guidance is provided by the Masterplanning Approach For Major Development Supplementary Planning Guidance.

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