33. Parking Survey
What is it?
Policy TRAN 8 of the Plan Strategy requires development proposals to provide adequate provision for car parking and appropriate servicing arrangement.
Parking standards are set out in the Department’s Parking Standards guidance, currently under review.
A reduced level of car parking provision may be acceptable in a number of circumstances, including where the development would benefit from spare capacity available in nearby public car parks or adjacent on street car parking.
A Parking Survey assesses the number and location of parked vehicles and available space at any one time in the vicinity of the application site, either on street or in existing car parks, and provides an indication of parking trends and any available capacity that could serve the proposed development.
When is it required?
A Parking Survey should be submitted when there is an identified parking need that cannot be accommodated within the application site.
What should be included?
A Parking Survey should include the following:
- A survey of parked vehicles and available parking spaces within 200 metres radius (400 metres diameter) of the application site;
- Parked vehicles and available spaces are to be shown on a plan;
- Timed and dated photographs;
- Areas of parking restriction (e.g. single yellow lines, double yellow lines, disabled parking spaces, waiting bays and other restrictions) must not be included and must be indicated on the plan;
- Spaces within 15 metres of a junction should also not be included;
- The survey should be undertaken over at least three days during the working week (i.e. Monday to Friday) and at least one day during the weekend;
- Residential Parking Survey (in support of residential proposals) – the survey should take place between 7pm and 7am; and
- Commercial Parking Survey (in support of commercial proposals) – the survey should take place between 7am and 7pm.
Parking standards are set out in the Department’s Parking Standards guidance, currently under review.