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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

27. Marketing Statement

What is it?

Policies BH2 and BH3 of the Plan Strategy seek to safeguard buildings that makes a material contribution to the character and appearance of a Conservation Area or Area of Townscape Character from demolition.

Policy EC4 of the Plan Strategy states that only in exceptional circumstances will the loss of zoned employment land be considered acceptable.

Policy TLC2 of the Plan Strategy states that only in exceptional circumstances will the loss of existing tourism and leisure and cultural facilities and assets be considered acceptable.

A Marketing Statement informs whether the existing use of a building or land is viable or likely to be viable in the context of market testing. The Council expects land premises to be actively marketed for at least 18 months before the application is made. 

When is it required?

A Marketing Statement should be provided where the applicant seeks to demonstrate through market testing that the current use of a building or land is no longer viable, or is unlikely to be viable, and believes that this is an important material consideration when the planning application is assessed.

For example, a Marketing Statement may be used to support applications which involve:

  • demolition of a building which makes a material contribution to the character and appearance of a Conservation Area or Area of Townscape Character, having regard to Policies BH2 and BH3 of the Plan Strategy; or
  • loss of zoned employment land, having regard to Policy EC4 of the Plan Strategy; or
  • loss of existing tourism, leisure and cultural provision and assets, having regard to Policy TLC2 of the Plan Strategy

What should be included?

The Marketing Statement should include the information specified at paragraphs 3.3.7 and 3.3.8 of the Loss of Zoned Employment Land Supplementary Planning Guidance

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