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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

19. Environmental Statement (EIA)

What is it?

The Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017 (“the Regulations”) specifies the circumstances in which a proposal is “EIA" development and requires an Environmental Statement to be submitted alongside the planning application.

An Environmental Statement sets out the likely significant effects of the proposal – whether positive or negative – and can relate to environmental, social or economic impacts.

When is it required?

 An Environmental Statement should be submitted where:

  • the development proposal falls under Schedule 1 of the Regulations; or
  • the development proposal falls under Schedule 2 of the Regulations and the Council has given a screening opinion that the proposal is “EIA” development and that an Environmental Statement is required; or
  • the applicant intends to submit an Environmental Statement alongside the planning application.

What should be included?

Applicants should seek a “Scoping Opinion” from the Council as to the recommended content of the Environmental Statement before it is prepared.


If the development proposal falls under Schedule 2 of the Regulations, the applicant is strongly advised to submit a formal request to the City Council for a “screening opinion” as to whether the proposal is EIA prior to submitting the application.

Where an Environmental Statement is deemed to be required, the applicant is advised to seek a scoping opinion from the Council on its content.

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