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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

18. Event Management Plan

What is it?

Policy TRAN 3 of the Plan Strategy requires a transport assessment to evaluate the transport implications of a development proposal, which is likely to have significant travel generating uses.

Policy TRAN 6 of the Plan Strategy relates to proposals involving direct access, or the intensification of the use of an existing access, onto a public road. 

An Event Management Plan sets out how the proposal seeks to minimise the transportation impacts of events that would be held as a result of the proposal.

When is it required?

An Event Management Plan should be provided with applications for proposals for commercial, recreational, cultural and community proposals which involve the hosting of events that generate significant large numbers of attendees and could result in significant travel disruption.

What should be included?

An Event Management Plan should consider the types of trips, in all modes, likely to visit the site, to ensure they can arrive, park if necessary and depart without causing a traffic safety hazard or disruption to other traffic on the network. 

Where disruption to the network is anticipated, the Event Management Plan should propose measures that are co-ordinated with PSNI, Department for Infrastructure Roads, and the local community as necessary, to mitigate these impacts. Evidence should be provided of the engagement and input of those bodies into the Event Management Plan.

The Events Management Plan should consider measures to encourage sustainable travel, such as public transport, the use of coaches and off-site park and ride and shuttle bus facilities.

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