14. Demolition Justification Statement
What is it?
In the interests of mitigating climate change, Policy ENV2 of the Plan Strategy seeks to avoid demolition, where feasible, with consideration given to how existing buildings or main structures can be re-used.
Policies BH2 and BH3 of the Plan Strategy state that there will be a presumption in favour of retaining non-listed buildings in Conservation Areas and Areas of Townscape Character respectively.
A Demolition Justification Statement demonstrates why a building or structure that is normally protected by planning policy is not proposed to be retained and re-used.
When is it required?
A Demolition Justification Statement should be provided:
- where the proposal involves demolition and replacement of a building or main structure, having regard to Policy ENV2 of the Plan Strategy. This information will also be sought where demolition has already taken place; or
- for demolition of a building that makes a material contribution to a Conservation Area, having regard to Policy BH2 of the Plan Strategy; or
- for demolition of a building that makes a material contribution to the distinctive character of an Area of Townscape Character, having regard to Policy BH3 of the Plan Strategy.
What should it include?
The level of detail included in the Demolition Justification Statement should be proportionate to the nature and function of the building and the issues involved.
The Demolition Justification Statement should explain why it is not feasible to retain and re-use the existing building/s or main structure/s that are proposed to be demolished and replaced. Factors may include the suitability of the building for the proposed use; its structural condition and/or financial viability and need to be evidenced. In these regards, the application may also require a Marketing Statement (see section 27) and/or Viability Assessment (see section 49).
The Demolition Justification Statement should also include measures to minimise any waste through the re-use of as much building and sites materials as possible. If acceptable, those measures may be a secured as a planning condition were planning permission is to be granted.