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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

1. Adaptable and Accessible Accommodation Statement

What is it?

Policy HOU7 of the Plan Strategy requires that all new homes should be designed in a flexible way to ensure that housing is adaptable throughout all stages of life, maximising the ability for occupants to remain in their homes and live independent lives for as long as possible.

An Adaptable and Accessible Accommodation Statement sets out how the planning application addresses the requirements of Policy HOU7.

When is it required?

An Adaptable and Accessible Accommodation Statement should be provided with all applications for permanent accommodation including:

  • new homes including dwellings, apartments, maisonettes and other forms of permanent accommodation;
  • Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation;
  • Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs).

In addition, for applications for 10 residential units or more, the Adaptable and Accessible Accommodation Statement should include a supplementary “Wheelchair Accessibility Statement”.

What should be included?

An Adaptable and Accessible Accommodation Statement should include:

  1. A written statement that sets out how each of the policy criteria a. to f. inclusive in Policy HOU7 are addressed. Where a criterion is not satisfied, the statement should provide justification as to why this is the case.
  2. Annotated scale drawings (or clear cross reference to such drawings provided with the application) that demonstrate how each of the satisfied criteria are addressed.

For applications for 10 residential units or more, the Adaptable and Accessible Accommodation Statement should include a supplemental “Wheelchair Accessibility Statement”, including:

  1. A written statement that sets out how each of criteria g. to o. inclusive are addressed for at least 10 per cent of  the homes.  Where a criterion is not satisfied, the statement should provide justification as to why this is the case.
  2. Annotated scale drawings (or clear cross reference to such drawings provided with the application) that demonstrate how each of the satisfied criteria are addressed.


Further guidance is contained in the Residential Design (Including Adaptable and Accessible Accommodation) Supplementary Planning Guidance.

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