Published in June 2022
As the democratically-elected body representing the people of Belfast, it’s important for us to be conscious of the Disability Discrimination Act 1998 when carrying out our functions and providing civic leadership.
This Disability Action Plan is an important document which reaffirms Belfast City Council’s commitment to fulfilling our statutory obligations in compliance with Section 49A of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended by the Disability Discrimination (NI) Order 2006) (DDO) which places new duties on public authorities to:
- promote positive attitudes towards disabled people
- encourage participation by disabled people in public life.
The council’s Disability Action Plan (referred to as ‘the plan’) sets out how we propose to positively meet these new duties.
The council exists to serve the people of Belfast and to provide civic leadership on issues of concern to the people who live and work in the city.
We will ensure that all councillors and council employees are aware of the DDO disability duties. We will take the lead to ensure that the necessary resources are made available for preparing councillors and employees to deliver the actions set out in this Plan. We wish to ensure that the Disability Action Plan is implemented effectively in the true spirit of our commitment to the DDO duties.
Lord Mayor
Chief Executive
1. Introduction
1.1 Section 49A of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended by the Disability Discrimination (NI) Order 2006) requires us, in carrying out our functions, to:
- promote positive attitudes towards disabled people
- encourage participation by disabled people in public life.
Under Section 49B of the DDA 1995, Belfast City Council is also required to submit to the Equality Commission a Disability Action Plan showing how it proposes to fulfil these duties in relation to its functions.
1.2 Belfast City Council is committed to the fulfilment of these disability duties in all parts of our organisation and have set out how we intend to do this in our Disability Action Plan.
We will allocate all necessary resources (in terms of people, time and money) to implement effectively this plan and where appropriate, build objectives and targets relating to the disability duties into corporate and annual operating plans.
We will also put appropriate internal arrangements in place to ensure that the disability duties are complied with and this Disability Action Plan effectively implemented. We will ensure the effective communication of the plan to staff and provide all necessary training and guidance for staff on the disability duties and the implementation of the plan.
We confirm our commitment to submitting an annual report to the Equality Commission on the implementation of this plan as well as carrying out a five-yearly review of this plan.
We are committed to consulting with disabled people when implementing and reviewing the council’s disability plans.
1.3 We will undertake a planned programme of communication and training on the disability duties for all staff and councillors. This training will coincide with our induction training, refresher training and councillor training on disability. Training timescales are evidenced in the plan.
Responsibility for implementing, reviewing and evaluating the plan and the point of contact within Belfast City Council will be:
Equality and Diversity Unit
Room 117, City Hall, Belfast, BT1 5GS
Telephone: (028) 9032 0202
Email: [email protected]
1.4 We confirm our commitment to submitting an annual progress report on the implementation of this plan to the Equality Commission and carrying out a five year review of this plan, or plans submitted to the Equality Commission over the five-year review period.
2. The council's role and function
2.1 Outlined is the range of functions of Belfast City Council. We perform a number of key roles for Belfast, including:
- a civic leadership and community planning role agreeing a vision for Belfast and its people and working in collaboration with partners and others to invest for the future and ensure a better quality of life for all our citizens
- the direct provision of a number of services and facilities
- the promotion and protection of our built and natural environment
- the promotion of the arts, tourism, community and economic development, equality and good relations
- regulating and licensing certain activities relating to environmental health, consumer protection and public safety
- local planning functions
- representation on a number of bodies and boards
- consulting on issues relating to functions conducted by other government bodies and agencies on issues such as planning, water, roads and housing.
2.2 In performing the above roles we provide:
- facilities for recreational, social and cultural activities including leisure centres, community centres, parks, open spaces and playgrounds, sports grounds and places of entertainment
- street cleansing services
- waste collection and disposal services
- cemeteries and crematorium
- registration of births, deaths and marriages
- programme support and grant aid for the arts, good relations, community development and the promotion of local tourism and economic development
- administration and regulation of matters relating to environmental health, such as public health and safety, food safety, building control, noise pollution and consumer protection
- licensing and regulation of street trading, places of entertainment, amusement centres, sex establishments, lotteries, cinemas and petroleum stations
- planning development and enforcement and local development planning
- off-street parking (except Park and Ride)
- the making and regulation of bye-laws
2.3 To enable us to provide these services and to perform our other functions, we must levy an annual rate (district rates). We also obtain funding through:
- various grants, mostly provided by the Department for Communities (DfC)
- government grants
- fees and charges for certain services
- loans
We have the power to:
- acquire and dispose of land
- borrow money
- employ staff
- procure goods and services
as well as a general power of competence.
2.4 We have adopted a wide range of policies to support and implement the above statutory functions and provision of services and facilities.
3. Public life positions
The council does not have direct control over public life positions, however we do have people from various sections of the community sitting on council groups, for example:
- Good Relations Partnership
- Equality Consultative Forum
- Friends of Botanic and Falls Parks
- Friends of Belfast Zoo
- Families of the Waterworks
- Cave Hill Conservation Group
- Youth Forum
- Belfast Policing and Community Safety Partnership
- District PCSPs
- BCC Migrants’ Forum
- Disability Advisory Panel
- Sign Language Users' Forum
4. Commitment to the effective implementation of the Disability Action Plan
4.1 We are committed to the effective implementation of all aspects of the plan in all parts of the organisation. Overall responsibility for determining policy on how this will be achieved lies with our councillors. Day-to-day responsibility for carrying out the policy lies with the Equality and Diversity Unit. They report through the Governance and Compliance Manager to the Corporate Management Team who are ultimately responsible for the oversight and implementation of administrative arrangements to ensure that the council complies with our disability duties.
4.2 As part of its planning process, Belfast City Council will build objectives, set targets and monitoring related to the disability duties into corporate and business plans.
4.3 Progress on meeting the objectives of the Plan, including those relating to the disability duties, will be monitored and reported at the most senior level within the organisation. The Equality and Diversity Unit will ensure the plan will be monitored and reported annually. All Disability Action Plan reports will proceed through the council reporting mechanisms and to Corporate Management Team.
4.4 We will include a formal progress report on meeting the objectives in our annual report to the Equality Commission, which is submitted through the standard committee reporting procedure.
5. Internal arrangements
5.1 We have 60 councillors elected for a four-year period. They currently meet monthly in full session and more frequently in committees. The principal committees under Belfast City Council are:
- Strategic Policy and Resources Committee
- City Growth and Regeneration Committee
- People and Communities Committee
- Planning Committee
- Licensing Committee
- Climate and City Resilience Committee
- Belfast Waterfront and Ulster Hall Shareholders’ Committee
A range of council departments and working groups support these committees.
5.2 The Chief Executive oversees the work of the departments through the Corporate Management Team.
5.3 The Chief Executive is responsible for the delivery of the strategic direction set by the council and through the Corporate Management Team has oversight of the management of services and the longer term planning and allocation of resources.
5.4 Statutory responsibility for the effective implementation of the Disability Duty lies with the council.
5.4.1 The Chief Executive and the Corporate Management Team are responsible for ensuring that the council’s decisions are implemented and for overseeing administrative arrangements to make sure the plan is implemented effectively.
5.4.2 The Equality and Diversity Unit will support this work and act as our main point of contact. Currently, our Equality and Diversity Unit can be contacted at this address:
Legal and Civic Services Department
Equality and Diversity Unit
Belfast City Hall
Belfast, BT1 5GS
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (028) 90 320202
Text phone number: (028) 9027 0405
5.4.3 The Equality and Diversity Unit will report regularly to the City Solicitor and regular progress reports are sent to the Corporate Management Team and the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.
5.4.4 We place great importance on disability issues and have established an Equality and Diversity Network. This two-level structure incorporates a strategic and operational group. The network addresses key equality, diversity and inclusion issues on a regular basis providing leadership and direction.
6. Annual report
6.1 Belfast City Council will submit an annual report on the implementation of its plan. The annual report will be included as part of Belfast City Council’s Annual Report to the Equality Commission on the implementation of our equality scheme but will also be available as a stand-alone document.
6.2 Our website is accessible. Our accessibility statement explains what we're doing to make our website accessible.
7. Five-year review
7.1 We will carry out a five-year review of the plan in accordance with guidelines from the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland.
8. Measures to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and encourage the participation of disabled people in public life
8.1 Promote positive attitudes towards disabled people:
- a range of equality and disability training programmes
- induction programmes
- recruitment and selection training
- disability awareness training
- developing our website
- workplace policies and reasonable adjustments
- targeted recruitment policies
- accessibility policies
- equality screening exercises
8.2 Encourage the participation of disabled people in public life:
- workplace policies
- recruitment policies
- accessibility policies
- policy screening
- accessAble Project
- Equality Consultative Forum and other stakeholder groups
For further details of the full range of measures previously undertaken by the council, contact the Equality and Diversity Unit.
9. Action measures
Belfast City Council has detailed the measures it intends to take in order to implement the disability duties. Full details of these are given in the Action Plan in Appendix 1.
10. Timescale for the implementation of the action measures
10.1 The action plan in Appendix 1 outlines the actions and the timescales for the implementation of the action measures we intend to take in order to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and to encourage the participation of disabled people in public life. This timetable outlines the actions, which Belfast City Council will take until March 2025.
11. Performance indicators or targets
11.1 Belfast City Council is committed to monitoring and reviewing policies and practices to ensure that disability equality duties are being met. Monitoring the progress of this plan is a significant element of achieving that.
11.2 As part of this process, the annual review of the plan will contribute towards the monitoring and review process and assist in drafting appropriate targets and performance indicators for the next period, whilst reporting on the achievement, or otherwise, of those set for the current period of the annual review.
12. How the Disability Action Plan will be published
12.1 Following submission to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, this plan will be available by contacting the Equality and Diversity Unit.
12.2 Belfast City Council will communicate the plan appropriately. The plan will be produced in clear print and plain language and will be available in alternative formats.
12.3 The plan will be promoted through meeting directly with disability organisations and representative groups.
12.4 We will follow the guidelines set out by the council’s accessible communications guide.
Appendix 1 of Draft Disability Action Plan 2022-2025
Strategic priority 1: Encouraging the participation of disabled people in public life
Outcomes | Action measures | Timescale | Responsibility | Performance indicators |
Feedback encouraged from disabled people and their representative groups in how we can encourage greater participation by disabled people in public life and we can prove that we act on this feedback | Review membership of Equality Consultative Forum (ECF) and increase representation of disabled people and representing organisations | 2023 | Equality and Diversity Unit |
New ECF terms of reference established. Percentage attendance at each meeting from cross section of disability Percentage of staff and members who understand purpose of the ECF and find it useful. Effective feedback mechanism established and used by members. |
Feedback encouraged from disabled people and their representative groups in how we can encourage greater participation by disabled people in public life and we can prove that we act on this feedback | Arrange a minimum of three forum meetings per year and additional meetings as required | Every year | Equality and Diversity Unit | Minimum of three forum meetings held. |
Improved opportunities for disabled people to engage with and influence policy-makers | Carry out a targeted consultation to identify the potential impact of living in a rural area for those with a disability within the council area | 2025 | Equality and Diversity Unit | Report on the key findings and make recommendations as appropriate. |
Improved opportunities for disabled people to engage with and influence policy-makers |
The Disability Advisory Panel (DAP) to attend and participate in consultation processes |
Every year | Equality and Diversity Unit |
Four projects per year to receive advice and guidance from the DAP. Changes made to policies or services as a result of their input. |
Improved opportunities for disabled people to engage with and influence policy-makers | The Disability Advisory Panel to provide advice and guidance on various capital projects | Every year | Equality and Diversity Unit |
Reduction in disability-related complaints by 10 per cent each year. Disability Advisory Panel to meet at least three times per year. |
Improved opportunities for disabled people to engage with and influence policy-makers | Discussion on the proposed development of a corporate disability communications policy based on advice from the Disability Advisory Forum and relevant stakeholders | 2023 |
Equality and Diversity Unit |
A corporate disability communications policy in place. |
Improved opportunities for Sign Language users to engage with and influence policy-makers and to educate employees | The Sign Language Users' Forum to attend and participate in consultation processes | Every year | Equality and Diversity Unit |
Four projects per year to receive advice and guidance from the Sign Language Users' Forum. Changes made to policies or services as a result of their input. |
Improved opportunities for Sign Language users to engage with and influence policy-makers and to educate employees | The Sign Language Users' Forum to provide advice and guidance on various capital projects | Every year | Equality and Diversity Unit | Sign Language Users' Forum to meet at least twice a year. |
Improved opportunities for Sign Language users to engage with and influence policy-makers and to educate employees |
Discussion on the proposed development of a corporate Sign Language policy based on advice from the Sign Language Users' Forum and relevant stakeholders |
2023 | Equality and Diversity Unit Marketing and Corporate Communications |
A corporate Sign Language policy in place. |
Disabled employees are supported to input into action planning | The Disability Staff Network to provide support on future action planning | Every year | Human Resources |
Disability Staff Network to meet at least three times a year. Disabled employees give input to action planning. |
Improved visibility and support for people with disabilities | Seek approval to appoint a senior Disability Champion | 2022 | Human Resources | Senior Disability Champion nominated or appointed. |
Improved opportunities for disabled people and Sign Language users to be able to access the council’s engagement platform using dialogue and qualitative mechanisms |
Accessibility tools in place when accessing the online YourSay platform. The platform includes the Reachdeck digital inclusion toolbar. Reachdeck provides speech, reading and translation support tools to help ensure information is easier and more accessible for people. Appropriate accessible measures will be in place for those wishing to attend VCSE (Voluntary Community Social Enterprise groups) panel meetings. The VCSE Panel to be refreshed. We will ensure that the recruitment process is accessible to sector representatives with a disability and consideration will be given to engaging the sector as part of the VCSE citywide network to ensure that the views of people with a disability are included as part of the community planning process. The Disability Advisory Panel will be asked to provide advice when required. |
Every year | City and Organisational Strategy |
An accessible consultation platform in place. VCSE panel meetings to be accessible for disabled people and Sign Language users. Inclusion of representatives with a disability in the VCSE panel. Disability Advisory Panel to provide advice when required. |
Disabled people are provided with appropriate support to enhance employability and obtain employment | The Disability Staff Network to provide support on future action planning | Every year | Human Resources | Disability Staff Network to meet at least three times a year. |
Disabled people are provided with appropriate support to enhance employability and obtain employment | Identify opportunities to ring-fence certain Belfast City Council posts to long-term unemployed, including those with a disability. Ensure any pre-recruitment and training programme caters for any reasonable adjustments |
As and when opportunities arise | Human Resources |
Consider suitability of campaigns for pre-recruitment and training programmes. Ring-fence 20 per cent of places available on pre-recruitment and training programmes to people with disabilities. |
Disabled people are provided with appropriate support to enhance employability and obtain employment |
Identify opportunities to ring-fence certain Belfast City Council posts to long-term unemployed, including those with a disability. Ensure any pre-recruitment and training programme caters for any reasonable adjustments. |
As and when opportunities arise. |
Human Resources |
Consider suitability of campaigns for pre-recruitment and training programmes Ring-fence 20 per cent of places available on pre-recruitment and training programmes to people with disabilities. |
Disabled people are provided with appropriate support to enhance employability and obtain employment | Review recruitment process in respect of adjustments provided to applicants with autism and learning difficulties. | 2023 | Human Resources | Types and number of recruitment and selection process changes successfully implemented. |
Disabled people are provided with appropriate support to enhance employability and obtain employment | Consider all requests for reasonable adjustments as part of the selection process | Every year | Human Resources | Percentage of reasonable adjustments requested, considered and provided. |
Disabled people have the opportunity to find out about the range of job opportunities available and are provided with appropriate support to enhance employability and obtain employment | Participate in careers and employability activity targeted towards disabled people: careers fairs, mock interviews, site visits, employability talks |
Every year | Human Resources | Attend four events a year. |
Disabled people have the opportunity to participate in work experience |
Facilitate at least 30 work experience placements for people with disabilities Participate in annual job-shadowing initiative promoted by NIUSE (internal) |
Every year | Human Resources | 30 placement opportunities facilitated, including three by the job-shadowing initiative. |
Develop the capacity of the organisation to support staff with disabilities |
Provide ongoing advice and support to employees in relation to reasonable adjustment requirements |
Every year | Human Resources All departments |
Monitor number of reasonable adjustments requests and those subsequently provided. Create database of types of reasonable adjustments made. |
Develop the capacity of the organisation to support staff with disabilities |
Conduct a voluntary monitoring exercise and investigate how disclosure in declaring a disability can be encouraged
2023 | Human Resources |
Publish results from investigation or voluntary monitoring and make recommendations as appropriate. |
Disabled people who are considering starting a business are supported | Work with disability organisations to develop targeted outreach to encourage and support disabled people to consider enterprise and start a business. | Every year | Place and Economy Department | Number of events, attendees at events and referrals to business support. |
Programmes and activities are promoted to persons with a disability through suitable mediums |
Engage with under-represented groups via umbrella organisations to raise awareness of enterprise supports.
Every year | Place and Economy | Hold two meetings per year minimum with representative bodies and stakeholder groups. |
Disabled people are supported to access employability initiatives |
Work with disability support organisations to address barriers to access to council interventions and increase engagement by those with disabilities. Provide specific adaptations or support to enable participants to take part in council employability initiatives. |
Every year | Place and Economy Department |
Number of yearly engagements held with disability organisations to promote new employment initiatives, mentoring support and work placements. Number of engagements with disabled people. Six-monthly retrospective measurement of participant numbers on disability-focused employment initiatives. |
Improved opportunities for disabled people to engage with and influence policy-makers | Consult and engage with Disability Advisory Panel in relation to the physical programme and capital projects of the council. | Every year | Physical Programmes | Changes made to policies/services as a result of their input. |
Disabled people have appropriate support so that they can participate in the cultural life of the city on an equal basis | Deliver the Inspiring Communities theme which identifies disabled people as a priority area and removing barriers to participation to ensure all sections of the community engage with high quality culture, arts and heritage. | Every year | Place and Economy Department |
Deliver small capital enhancement projects that will increase access for disabled people to quality cultural product and experiences. |
Disabled people have appropriate support so that they can participate in the cultural life of the city on an equal basis | Review the temporary pavement café licensing scheme and associated guidance with a particular focus on its impact on disabled people and considering opportunities to better promote equality of opportunity. | 2022 | Place and Economy Department | Level of complaints related to access uses at licensed pavement cafés. |
City centre retailers are encouraged to support accessibility for disabled people | Engage with city stakeholders to put in place mechanisms to encourage businesses to support accessibility for disabled people. | Every year | Place and Economy Department |
Number of stakeholders engaged and activities delivered. |
Public attitudes to disabled people are more positive and negative attitudes are challenged |
Facilitate biennial event on a current theme linked to council priorities for example International Day for People with Disabilities and Sign Language Week Evaluate feedback and develop an action plan to improve disability initiatives, where appropriate |
Every year |
Equality and Diversity Unit Human Resources |
One event held with external and internal press and communications. Attendance by a wide range of relevant organisations and disabled people. Feedback used to improve further events and future policies or initiatives. |
Public attitudes to disabled people are more positive and negative attitudes are challenged | Effective partnership working with the British Deaf Association | Every year | Equality and Diversity Unit | Implement actions listed in the BSL and ISL Charter Action Plan in partnership with the British Deaf Association. |
Disabled people can participate fully in all activities facilitated by the council and are encouraged to participate. |
Raise awareness of council’s Disability Event Plan |
Every year | Equality and Diversity Unit All departments |
Number of completed event action plans received. |
Disabled people have appropriate support so that they can participate in the cultural life of the city on an equal basis. | Consult with internal staff and stakeholders to explore the introduction of appropriate communication tools for people with learning disabilities at customer centres for example City Hall, Belfast Zoo | 2025 |
Equality and Diversity Unit |
Number of communication tools for people with learning disabilities including JAM Card at customer centres. |
Disabled people who are considering starting a business are supported | Work with disability organisations to develop targeted outreach to encourage and support disabled people to consider enterprise and start a business. | Every year |
Number of events, attendees at events and referrals to business support. |
Strategic priority 2: Promoting positive attitudes towards disabled people
Outcomes | Action measures | Timescale | Responsibility | Performance indicators |
Public attitudes to disabled people are more positive and negative attitudes are challenged. |
Facilitate biennial event on a current theme linked to council priorities for example International Day for People with Disabilities and Sign Language Week Evaluate feedback and develop an action plan to improve disability initiatives, where appropriate |
Every year |
Equality and Diversity Unit Human Resources |
One event held with external and internal press and communications. Attendance by a wide range of relevant organisations and disabled people. Feedback used to improve further events and future policies or initiatives. |
Public attitudes to disabled people are more positive and negative attitudes are challenged. | Effective partnership working with the British Deaf Association. | Every year |
Equality and Diversity Unit |
Implement actions listed in the British Sign Language and Irish Sign Language Charter Action Plan in partnership with the British Deaf Association. |
Disabled people can participate fully in all activities facilitated by the council and are encouraged to participate. |
Raise awareness of the council’s Disability Event Plan. |
Every year |
Equality and Diversity Unit All departments |
Number of completed event action plans received. |
Disabled people have appropriate support so that they can participate in the cultural life of the city on an equal basis. | Consult with internal staff and stakeholders to explore the introduction of appropriate communication tools for people with learning disabilities at customer centres for example City Hall, Belfast Zoo. | 2025 |
Equality and Diversity Unit |
Number of communication tools for people with learning disabilities including JAM Card at customer centres. |
Disabled people have appropriate support so that they can participate in the cultural life of the city on an equal basis. | Liaise with AccessAble to monitor provision of App for people with disabilities accessing facilities and services in the City of Belfast | Every year |
Equality and Diversity Unit |
Increased satisfaction accessing facilities and services in Belfast. |
Sign Language Users are aware of the availability of accessible information and make use of it. | Improve accessibility in contacting and communication for Sign Language users. | Every year |
Equality and Diversity Unit Customer Hub Facilities Management GLL Marketing and Corporate Communications City and Neighbourhood Services |
Deliver a Sign Language Video Relay Service (VRS) and Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) Service. VRS on website and VRI at Cecil Ward Building, Belfast Zoo, City Hall, Tropical Ravine and all Belfast leisure centres. Ensure a continued Sign Language users App is available at all leisure centre reception points (via electronic tablet). Continue to ensure relevant GLL staff in each centre have been trained in the use and promotion of the service. |
Sign Language Users are aware of the availability of accessible information and make use of it. |
Develop an approach to translated Sign Language “welcome” information at identified council venues liaising with relevant departments on the installation and procurement of new screens. |
2023 |
Equality and Diversity Unit Marketing and Corporate Communications Physical Programmes |
Installation of new screens providing information translated in Sign Language. |
Sign Language Users are aware of the availability of accessible information and make use of it. | To provide a clear description on website and City Matters of what services are available in Sign Languages to the public. This includes:
2022 |
Equality and Diversity Unit Marketing and Corporate Communications Customer Focus |
Accessible material is provided in Sign Language. |
Sign Language Users are aware of the availability of accessible information and make use of it. | To expand the provision of Sign Language translation on popular pages on the website. | 2024 |
Equality and Diversity Unit Marketing and Corporate Communications |
Sign Language translated videos provided on popular pages on the website. |
Disabled people are aware of accessible communication within the council. | To support departments in the consideration of accessibility to council documents, services and facilities from a disability perspective. | Every year |
Equality and Diversity Unit Marketing and Corporate Communications |
Several identified BCC online material and electronic documents to be produced in accessible formats. |
Disabled people are aware of the availability of accessible information and make use of it. |
Increased provision of an accessible City Matters magazine for disabled people. |
Every year | Marketing and Corporate Communications | Audio version of each quarterly City Matters magazine produced. |
Disabled people are aware of the availability of accessible information and make use of it. | To promote disability communications tools on social media and the council internal and external websites. | Every year | Marketing and Corporate Communications | Several disability-related articles to be shared on social media and the council’s internal and external websites. |
Disabled people are aware of how council services can support them. Promotion of positive attitudes towards disabled people |
Provide information to disabled people on aspects of council services which specifically affect them through a minimum of four articles per year in City Matters; minimum of two targeted information leaflets per year; accessible information on our website. Include articles related to disability and ensure photography of disabled people is included. |
Every year |
Equality and Diversity Unit Marketing and Corporate Communications |
Percentage of images in printed documents featuring positive images of disabled people. Number of documents provided in alternative formats. Percentage of people who found the information relevant and useful assessed by appropriate evaluation tool. |
Staff will be engaged. Awareness will be raised about particular disabilities. |
Include disability related information in staff e-briefings, staff newsletters and magazines, staff meetings, email, intranet, internet (internal). Develop an annual disability-awareness calendar and deliver associated awareness-raising and communication. |
Every year |
Human Resources Equality and Diversity Unit |
Percentage of internal communications documents which featured disability-related information. Calendar in place and awareness delivered. |
A physical Customer Hub will be in place to offer ‘digital assist’ support. | Ensure that digital platforms benefit all customers with a disability and disability stakeholders, including through assisting user with web form training and provision of computer facilities for public use where possible. | Every year | Customer Focus |
People with a disability will have access to a point-of-service supported online resource within the Hub. |
Council increases the level of inclusive and accessible communications so that disabled people can access information as independently as possible and make informed choices. |
Develop an approach to signage across council facilities liaising with relevant departments on the installation and procurement of new disability signage for example braille, tactile maps. |
2024 |
Equality and Diversity Unit Physical Programmes Marketing and Corporate Communications |
Accessible signage in place across council facilities. |
Awareness of disability and the disability duties when compiling policies and making decisions will be increased. | Deliver equality screening training based on an analysis of priority areas and job roles. | Every year |
Equality and Diversity Unit |
One hundred per cent of priority one and priority two staff members identified are trained. Increased understanding and use of appropriate screening tools and methodology assessed by audit of screenings carried out and staff feedback. |
Develop the capacity of the organisation to support people with disabilities, focusing on communication. |
Provision of Sign Language courses for employees. |
2023-2024 |
Human Resources Equality and Diversity Unit |
One British Sign Language course. Twelve employees (two from each department) to be able to communicate in Sign Language. |
Develop the capacity of the organisation to support people with disabilities, focusing on communication. |
Provision of specific targeted course to employees. |
Every year | Human Resources | Deliver two tailor-made disability courses to employees. |
Develop the capacity of staff to ensure awareness of the legal obligations in relation to employment and service delivery. |
Roll-out Diversity Awareness training programmes for council employees:
Every year | Human Resources |
Deliver 12 disability awareness training sessions to managers and employees. Deliver 12 diversity awareness training sessions to managers and employees. All new staff to attend training within six months of commencing employment. All Tier 3 managers to attend Equality and Diversity module. |
Develop the capacity of members to ensure awareness of the legal obligations in relation to employment and service delivery. |
2022 |
Human Resources |
Communicate outcomes of research and plan next steps if applicable. Disability Action Plan uploaded to the Members' portal. |
The capacity of staff and volunteers will be increased to help them manage their own emotional health and well-being. | Provide emotional health and well-being awareness training for staff (internal). | Every year | Human Resources |
Deliver at least four Positive Mental Health training sessions. Percentage of staff who found the training useful. |
The capacity of staff and volunteers will be increased to help them manage their own emotional health and well-being. | Provide emotional health and well-being awareness training for staff (internal). | Every year | Human Resources |
Deliver at least four stress-awareness training sessions Percentage of staff who found the training useful. |
Staff will be engaged, and awareness will be raised about health and well-being initiatives. | Maintain dedicated health and well-being page on Interlink (internal website). | Every year |
Human Resources Marketing and Corporate Communications |
Include monthly updates on Interlink. |
Promotion of positive attitudes towards disabled people. | Printed documents and brand campaigns to feature positive images of disabled people. | Every year | Marketing and Corporate Communications | Percentage of documents and campaigns which feature positive images of disabled people. |
Improve awareness of disabled toilet facilities for people with disabilities. Improve accessibility to Changing Places facilities across Belfast. Improve social inclusion for people with disabilities. |
To promote and review disabled toilet access and engage with disability groups to encourage wider use. To promote the Changing Places facilities across Belfast and review the existing process. To provide information and training (where necessary) to front-line staff about RADAR key, including its use and how to apply for it. To provide more accessible and inclusive play facilities across Belfast. |
Every year | City and Neighbourhood Services |
Report on the review of existing process and the number of stakeholder organisations engaged for 2022/2023. We have accessible changing and toilet facilities in all leisure centres. Continue to increase choice of available Changing Places facilities across Belfast, now available in five leisure centres. Ensuring a continuing presence of Changing Places facilities are available on our website Changing Places website. We work with age friendly Belfast, and community services, to promote the distribution of Radar Keys, with details on the website. With regards to training of frontline staff, it will be part of the Hub knowledge base Ensure the annual Playground Improvement Programme (PIP) provides more accessible and inclusive play facilities across Belfast. Existing sites are refurbished under the programme and will include a greater range of inclusive equipment. We are now planning for PIP 2022-2023 which will deliver similar outcomes in terms of inclusive playground design. |
Improve accessibility within shared spaces programmes. | To deliver a physical programme under the PEACE IV Shared Spaces and Services theme. | 2023 |
City and Neighbourhood Services Physical Programmes |
Construction of the Forth Meadow Community Greenway is estimated to be completed in 2022-2023. |
Persons with a disability are able to attend and fully engage in events and programmes delivered by council. | Ensure that the Inclusive Events checklist is completed for all events that are being held in council facilities. | Every year | All departments |
Percentage of large events held with an inclusive events checklist completed. |
Promotion of positive attitudes towards disabled people. |
Organise specialist training or workshop for project sponsors, project managers or APMs regarding the relevant DDA issues on capital build scheme. | 2024 | Physical Programmes |
Deliver one training session and further sessions if required. |