Financing the plan
Our corporate plan is based on a planned investment of £251.54 million for 2024-2025. This includes a projection of £199.53 million from the district rate, £24.53 million from fees and charges, £13.98 million from grant funding and £13.50 million from other sources.
Where we get our money from
We get our money from these key areas:
- District rate £199.53 million (from householders and businesses)
- Fees and charges £24.53 million (money received for services like waste disposal and building control)
- Grants £13.98 million (for example from Europe and central government)
- Other £13.50 million (for example rents and licences)
Total planned income for 2024-2025 is £251.54 million.
Where we plan to spend our money
- Planning Committee: £8.94 million
- Strategic Policy and Resources Committee: £70.86 million
- People and Communities Committee: £120.61 million
- City Growth and Regeneration Committee: £28.85 million
- Capital financing: £22.27 million
Total planned expenditure for 2024-2025 is £251.54 million.