In developing this Annual Delivery Plan (2024-25), the Council was fully aware of the significant and ongoing demands faced by residents and businesses over recent years. These challenges have ranged from geopolitical uncertainty and the cost of living and cost of doing business crisis. While it is hard to remember a time in recent history when such significant challenges were faced over a relatively short period, our resilience and adaptability as a city continue to shine through.
It is never as important for the Council to ensure it pivots to respond to the challenges and opportunities which emerge over the coming months and years.
The demands on local authorities are complex and extensive but we are committed to ensuring that our residents and stakeholders receive the highest standards in service delivery, transparency, and responsiveness while optimising our resources and capacity. To do this, we are taking a closer look at what we do and how we do it. We are looking both internally and externally, to identify ways to improve our services, support economic prosperity and develop safe and inclusive communities, protecting and enhancing our environment as well as improving the lives and wellbeing of our communities.
We will continue to invest in new ways of working to make the best use of the resources available to us and to enable us to invest in our services, facilities and in our local places. An ambitious and affordable Capital Programme to improve local infrastructure, facilities and services will continue to be delivered over the timeframe of this plan benefiting communities across the city in a meaningful way.
We are very aware of the leadership that should come from Council to champion and work in the best interests of our people, communities, businesses and to protect our local environment. We will work closely with all tiers of government, statutory and non-statutory bodies and other councils to lobby for action and to support and lead on major initiatives that deliver local benefits.
Our Corporate Delivery Plan and committed actions and key performance indicators for 2024-25 are presented thematically in the following sections:
Theme One: Our services
Delivering responsive and value for money services.
Theme Two: Our organisation
Creating a fit for purpose organisation.
Theme Three: Our people and communities
Making life better for all our residents.
Theme Four: Our economy
Creating inclusive, innovative and sustainable growth, learning and opportunity.
Theme Five:Our place
Creating a liveable and connected, vibrant and competitive city.
Theme Six: Our planet
Creating a sustainable, nature-positive city.
Theme Seven: Compassionate city
Making Belfast a welcoming, caring, fair and inclusive city - leaving no one behind.