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Rates for 2025-2026

  • District rate

    We've agreed a district rate increase of 5.99 per cent for 2025-2026.

    Each year we estimate our income and expenditure for the next financial year. Based on these estimates, we set a district rate for that financial year. The money that we get from district rates enables us to deliver our services during the year. 

    We have worked hard to keep the rise as low as possible, while continuing to invest in our services. This increase in rates will allow us to maintain our services and to further invest in local communities.

    We remain committed to generating further efficiency savings in the next year, while also delivering on our community plan for the city, prioritising action on core council services and facilities, and delivering on our investment ambitions.

    Find out more about our:

    The 5.99 per cent district rate increase means an average increase of:

    • £0.64 per week, £2.76 per month, or £33.15 per year for a house
    • £10.39 per week, £45.01 per month, or £540.14 per year for an office unit
    • £8.51 per week, £36.87 per month, or £442.49  per year for a retail unit

    Elected members also agreed that this year’s rate could be re-examined - up until the date by which the rates must be legally set (15 February 2025) - in the event of funds coming from the NI Executive to cover increases in National Insurance contributions. 

  • Calculating your rates

    To calculate your domestic rate bill, you'll need to know:

    • capital value of your property
    • domestic district rate
    • domestic regional rate

    Find out more about calculating your rates or find out the rate poundage for your area (link opens in new window)

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