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Pay a fixed penalty

  • Fixed penalty offences

    You can pay online for any fixed penalty issued for these offences:

  • Pay a fixed penalty notice

    If you are willing to pay a fixed penalty notice, read the instructions to complete the process.

    You can pay any fixed penalty notice in person, by phone or by post.

    If you've been issued with a fixed penalty for one of these offences, you'll be able to pay it online once you've received your notice in the post.

    You'll need to enter your fixed penalty reference number which is on the top left of the fixed penalty notice. Make sure to enter your reference number and surname in the exact format they appear on the notice. You will also need to provide your email address so we can send you a payment confirmation.

    Pay a fixed penalty notice

    Before you pay, read the terms and conditions for online services and our privacy statement.

  • Contact details

    For more information, call the relevant number:

    1. Dog related queries – 028 9027 0431
    2. Littering – 028 9027 0254
    3. Food hygiene – 028 9027 0428
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