Published in January 2024
- Complaints, comments and compliments
- Introduction to our Complaints Handling Procedure
- What is a complaint?
- What can I complain about?
- What can’t I complain about?
- Who can complain?
- Vexatious complaints
- Responsibilities of complainants
- How do I complain?
- How long do I have to make a complaint?
- What happens when I have complained?
- Stage 1: Frontline response
- Stage 2: Investigation
- What if I’m still dissatisfied?
- Getting help to make my complaint
- Our contact details
- Summary of our Complaints Procedure
- Equality and Good Relations
- Privacy notice
- Freedom of Information Act
- Communicating the Complaints, Comments and Compliments Policy
- Learning from complaints
Complaints, comments and compliments
There are several ways to make a complaint, comment or give a compliment.
Fill in our complaints, comments and compliments form (link opens in a new window).
Email us: [email protected]
Write to:
Belfast City Council
You can:
- call us on 028 9032 0202 and ask to speak to the relevant department, or
- call our Complaints office on 028 9027 0270.
Introduction to our Complaints Handling Procedure
Belfast City Council is committed to providing high-quality customer services. We value complaints and use information from them to help us improve our services.
If something goes wrong or you are dissatisfied with our services, please tell us. This page describes our complaints procedure and how to make a complaint. It also tells you about how we will handle your complaint and what you can expect from us.
What is a complaint?
We regard a complaint as “an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more members of the public about our action or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by us or on our behalf”.
What can I complain about?
You can complain about things like:
- failure or refusal to provide a service
- inadequate quality or standard of service, or an unreasonable delay in providing a service
- dissatisfaction with one of our policies or its impact on the individual
- failure to properly apply law, procedure or guidance when delivering services
- failure to follow the appropriate administrative process
- conduct, treatment by or attitude of a member of staff or contractor (except where there are arrangements in place for the contractor to handle the complaint themselves)
- a concern about the actions or service of an organisation who is delivering services on our behalf
- disagreement with a decision, (except where there is a statutory procedure for challenging that decision, or an established appeals process followed throughout the sector) or;
- dissatisfaction with how an element of a planning decision was administrated.
Your complaint may involve more than one of the council’s services or be about someone working on our behalf.
What can’t I complain about?
There are some things we can’t deal with through our complaints handling procedure.These include:
- a routine first-time request for a service
- a first-time report of a fault
- a request for compensation only
- issues that are in court or have already been heard by a court or a tribunal (if you decide to take legal action, you should let us know as the complaint cannot then be considered under this process)
- disagreement with a decision where there is a statutory procedure for challenging that decision (such as UK data protection legislation), or an established appeals process followed throughout the sector (such as planning or a parking ticket appeal)
- a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (UK data protection legislation), and requests for reviews of decisions under these statutory regimes
- a grievance by a staff member or a grievance relating to employment or staff recruitment
- a concern raised internally by a member of staff (which was not about a service they received, such as raising a concern)
- a concern about a child or an adult’s safety
- an attempt to reopen a previously concluded complaint or to have a complaint reconsidered where we have already given our final decision
- a concern about the actions or service of a different organisation, where we have no involvement in the issue (except where the other organisation is delivering services on our behalf); or
- challenges to decisions made via formal decision-making channels. For example a customer is dissatisfied with a planning decision but not with any element of the process that led to the decision.
If other procedures or rights of appeal can help you resolve your concerns, we will give information and advice to help you.
Who can complain?
Anyone who receives, requests or is directly affected by our services, or a service contracted or commissioned by us, can make a complaint to us. This includes the representative of someone who is dissatisfied with our service (for example, a relative, friend, advocate or adviser). If you are making a complaint on someone else’s behalf, you will normally need their written consent. Read the section Getting help to make your complaint.
Vexatious complaints
Sometimes customers make vexatious complaints. This means they persist unreasonably with their complaints or make complaints to make life difficult for the council rather than resolving a grievance.
For example, this could involve making serial complaints about different matters or continuing to raise the same or similar matters. The frequency of their contact with the council can hamper the consideration of their complaints and officers' ability to provide a quality service.
The council believes it is important to distinguish between people who make different complaints because they genuinely believe things have gone wrong and people who are simply being difficult. Each complaint must be considered and a decision made as to whether it is genuine or vexatious.
Responsibilities of complainants
As a customer of Belfast City Council, you have the right to expect the best possible services. If we fall short, you have the right to complain. When you complain, we ask you to follow these guiding principles:
- provide adequate details of your complaint
- set out clearly the cause for dissatisfaction
- provide accurate details and supporting correspondence or other relevant supporting evidence
- if there has been a delay in submitting your complaint explain the cause of that delay
- explain what you believe to be a satisfactory outcome
- treat our staff with good manners, politeness and civility at all times
- accept that we will act fairly and promptly in dealing with your complaint
- be reasonable and open minded and listen to reasonable explanations
- be realistic. It may not always be possible to achieve the outcome you want.
How do I complain?
You can complain in person at any of our offices or venues by phone, in writing or by email.
When complaining, please tell us:
- your full name and contact details
- as much as you can about the complaint
- what has gone wrong; and
- what outcome you are seeking.
For contact methods, go to Our contact details.
How long do I have to make a complaint?
Normally, you must make your complaint within six months of:
- the event you want to complain about; or
- finding out that you have a reason to complain.
In exceptional circumstances, we may be able to accept a complaint after the time limit. If you feel that the time limit should not apply to your complaint, please tell us why.
What happens when I have complained?
We will always tell you who is dealing with your complaint and provide contact details. Our complaints procedure has two stages, Frontline response and Investigation.
Stage 1: Frontline response
We aim to respond to complaints quickly (where possible, when you first tell us about the issue). This could mean an on-the-spot apology and explanation if something has clearly gone wrong, or immediate action to resolve the problem.
We will give you our decision at stage 1 in five working days or less, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
If you are not satisfied with the response, we give at stage 1, we will tell you what you can do next. If you choose to, you can take your complaint to stage 2. You must normally ask us to consider your complaint at stage 2 either:
- within six months of the event you want to complain about or finding out that you have a reason to complain; or
- within 30 days of receiving your stage 1 response from us (if this is later).
In exceptional circumstances, we may be able to accept a stage 2 complaint after the time limit. If you feel that the time limit should not apply to your complaint, please tell us why.
Stage 2: Investigation
Stage 2 deals with two types of complaint: those that have not been resolved at stage 1 and those that clearly require in-depth investigation, and so are handled at this stage following discussion and agreement with you. If you do not wish your complaint to be handled at stage 1, you can ask us to handle it at stage 2 instead.
When using stage 2:
- we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three working days
- we will confirm our understanding of the complaint we will investigate and what outcome you are looking for
- we will try to resolve your complaint where we can (in some cases we may suggest using an alternative complaint resolution approach, such as mediation); and
- where we cannot resolve your complaint, we will give you a full response as soon as possible, normally within 20 working days.
If our investigation will take longer than 20 working days, we will tell you. We will tell you our revised time limits and keep you updated on progress.
What if I’m still dissatisfied?
After we have given you our final decision, if you are still dissatisfied with our decision or the way we dealt with your complaint, you can ask the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO) to look at it.
NIPSO is the final stage for complaints about the majority of public services in Northern Ireland. This includes complaints about us. NIPSO is an independent organisation that investigates complaints. The service provided by NIPSO is free. It is not an advocacy or support service (but there are other organisations who can help you with advocacy or support).
If you remain dissatisfied when you have a final response from us, you can ask NIPSO to look at your complaint. NIPSO generally expect complaints to be brought to them within six months since you received correspondence from us informing you that the complaints handling procedure is complete and of your right to refer your complaint to NIPSO.
NIPSO will generally ask you to provide details of your complaint and a copy of our final response to your complaint. You can contact NIPSO online or call 0800 34 34 24.
You may wish to get independent support or advocacy to help you progress your complaint. See Getting help to make my complaint.
NIPSO’s contact details are:
The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman
33 Wellington Place
Freephone: 0800 34 34 24
Email: [email protected]
Web: NIPSO (link opens in new window)
If you would like to visit NIPSO in person, you must make an appointment.
Their freepost address is: FREEPOST NIPSO
If NIPSO cannot investigate your complaint and your complaint requires an alternative route for independent review, NIPSO will tell you and provide you with the relevant contact details.
Getting help to make a complaint
We understand that you may be unable or reluctant to make a complaint yourself.We accept complaints from the representative of a person who is dissatisfied with our service. We can take complaints from a friend, relative, or an advocate, if you have given them your consent to complain for you.
You can find out about advisers in your area through Advice NI (link opens in new window).
We are committed to making our service easy to use for all members of the community. In line with our statutory equality duties, we will always ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to help you access and use our services. If you have trouble putting your complaint in writing, or want this information in another language or format, such as large font, or Braille, please tell us in person, telephone or email.
Our contact details
You can contact our complaints office by:
- using our complaints, comments and compliments online form (link opens in new window)
- email [email protected]
- telephone 028 9027 0270
- post
Our address is:
Belfast City Council
We can also provide our complaints handling procedure in other languages and formats (such as large print, audio and Braille).
Summary of our Complaints Procedure
Complaints procedure
You can make your complaint in person, by phone, by email or in writing. We have a two-stage complaints procedure. We will always try to deal with your complaint quickly. But if it is clear that the matter will need in-depth investigation, we will talk to you about this and keep you updated on our progress.
Stage 1: Frontline response
We will always try to respond to your complaint quickly, within five working days if we can.
If you are dissatisfied with our response, you can ask us to consider your complaint at Stage 2.
Stage 2: Investigation
We will look at your complaint at this stage if you are dissatisfied with our response at Stage 1. We also look at some complaints at this stage, if following discussion and agreement with you, it is clear that an in-depth investigation is needed.
We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days.
We will confirm the issues of complaint to be investigated and what you want to achieve.
We will investigate the complaint and give you our decision as soon as possible. This will be after no more than 20 working days unless there is clearly a good reason for needing more time.
Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO)
If, after receiving our final decision on your complaint, you remain dissatisfied with our decision or the way we have handled your complaint, you can ask NIPSO to consider it. NIPSO will assess whether there is evidence of service failure or maladministration not identified by us which requires further investigation. NIPSO will signpost you to alternative independent reviewers and provide contact details (where relevant).
Equality and Good Relations
Belfast City Council is committed to ensuring that all services promote equality of opportunity and good relations. All complaints, comments and compliments received, by whatever means are taken seriously and will be recorded and acted upon according to the corporate complaints procedure.
Privacy notice
What we do with your information
Belfast City Council is the Data Controller under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UKGDPR) for the personal data it gathers for the purposes of managing complaints, comments and compliments.
You are consensually providing your personal data to the council, whose lawful basis for processing is for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.
The council is a public service provider under the Northern Ireland Ombudsman’s Jurisdiction (Public Services Ombudsman Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 (the 2016 Act) and values your involvement in seeking continuous service improvement. We use your feedback, whether positive or negative to monitor and improve our service for the benefit of all our customers.
Sharing your information with others
Your personal data may be shared internally within the council with staff who are involved in providing this service and where necessary, between internal departments with the purpose of supporting an effective delivery of service. It may also be shared with the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman if you decide to escalate your complaint to the Ombudsman’s office for further investigation.
Your personal data will not be shared or disclosed to any other organisation without your consent, unless the law permits or places an obligation on the council to do so.
How long we hold your information for
The personal data is held and stored by the council for four years in a safe and secure manner and in compliance with UK data protection legislation and in line with the council’s Records Retention and Disposal Schedule.
Further information on how we process personal data
If you have any queries about the processing of your personal data, contact [email protected].
To contact the council’s Data Protection Officer, write to Belfast City Council, City Hall Belfast, BT1 5GS or email: [email protected]. For further information on how Belfast City Council processes personal data, read our Privacy statement.
Freedom of Information Act
Belfast City Council (BCC) is committed to implementing the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
The Act requires:
- the council to make information routinely available through a publication scheme, and
- to respond to written request for information.
It gives the public a right of access to information, unless it is subject to an exemption to disclosure. As a transparent and accountable public authority, the council is committed to openness.
Communicating the Complaints, Comments and Compliments Policy
The Complaints, Comments and Compliments Policy will be clearly communicated and accessible to all our customers and stakeholders. Leaflets will be available at council facilities, offices and venues. Copies of information about the procedure will be made available in alternative formats when requested including Braille, text phone, other languages and interpretation services such as Big Word. It will be made clear in all communications who the complainant can complain to and who will be responsible, at each stage.
Learning from complaints: January to June 2024
Updated in September 2024
We welcome comments and complaints from our customers. This is to ensure we are doing all we can to provide our customers with the best possible service.
Our services provide examples of how they have learned from complaints or how their service might improve as a result of resolving customer issues with our service.
Some examples of this learning are shown. These show what the nature of the complaint(s) was, and what we did to address the complaint. Information is given on what we have learned or how the service will improve as a result of the complaint.
When you contacted our Customer Hub to complain it was by phone (32 per cent), email (64 per cent) as well as using our online complaints form (3 per cent), available on our website. Of the total number of complaints we’ve recorded, since adopting the local authority two stage complaints handling procedure in January 2024, 50 per cent were upheld in the customer’s favour, 23 per cent were resolved at the point of service or point of contact through our Customer Hub service and 21 per cent were not upheld or were partially upheld. The majority of complaints fell under the category of Failure to provide a service.”
Bin collections and assisted lifts
This excludes bins not collected for example due to contamination and bin damage.
What the customer said
Customers have reported that on occasion we have missed their bin, or their waste has not been collected.
What we did
Where appropriate, we arrange for a collection vehicle to return to collect the missed bin within our service standard of three working days.
Future collections are monitored by a manager to ensure future collections are made on schedule.
We have set up electronic reminders for each collection and the crew will be requested to report on each collection day that your bin has been emptied. Should there be any issues during collection the squad will be requested to report via our app so that you receive a detailed update.
We equipped our crews with mobile phones with a real time reporting App for reporting missed collections. This provides accurate information for our customer hub to keep customers better informed and to improve our follow up collection service referred to as the QRT service.
We launched vehicle parking awareness pilot projects across the city in conjunction with the PSNI and DfI (Department of Infrastructure) to reduce illegal parking and improve street access for our refuse collection vehicles (RCVs).
What we learned or how the service could improve
We will improve further the communication between the domestic refuse collection services and customers. This will help ensure that customers are kept up to date on their bin collections, why their bin was missed and what will happen next if a collection is missed.
In 2025 we will introduce in-cab technology to our RCVs and route management and optimising systems into our planning processes. These new systems will significantly improve workload balance across the routes thereby ensuring routes will have adequate capacity to complete, and will also facilitate real-time issue reporting and action follow up.
We are continuing to develop our staff training programmes and to invest in our training capabilities and facilities.
New recycling box deliveries
What the customer said
Customers have reported that on occasion we have not delivered their new or replacement recycling collection boxes as planned or expected within our service standards.
What we did
Our recycling box deliveries are sub-contracted to a third party. We have analysed and reviewed the reasons for non-deliveries. As a result, when we were developing the procurement exercise for the new kerbside box collections contract, we did not include box deliveries within the scope of this contract. The boxes will be delivered by a different contractor. The new contract began on 1 August 2024.
What we learned or how the service could improve
We will monitor the new contractor to ensure boxes are delivered within the service standards of 10 working days. We are also working on our internal processes and digital solutions to improve the lead time for deliveries.
Recycling box collections
What the customer said
Customers have reported that on occasion we have not collected their recycling materials boxes as scheduled.
What we did
Our recycling box collections are sub-contracted to a recycling company and together we have analysed and reviewed the reasons for missed collections.
As part of the new procurement exercise, we enhanced a number of the service standards to address this issue.
What we learned or how the service could improve
We have included service standards and a number of performance-based KPIs in the new contract. Our service provider has established a new Customer Liaison Officer role who will investigate customer complaints and respond to the council.