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Home heating

  • Fuel stamp scheme

    Our fuel stamp scheme 'Stay Warm', helps householders save for home heating oil, by spreading the cost of their fuel.

    You can buy oil stamps from participating retailers, collect them on a savings card and use the value of the stamps to pay for all or part of your oil when placing an order.

    The scheme is available throughout Belfast. We're always looking for retailers and oil companies in Belfast to take part in the scheme.

  • How to take part

    Pick up a 'Stay Warm' savings card from any retailer taking part in the scheme.

    Retailers  Address 
    Ballysillan Leisure Centre Ballysillan Road
    Belfast City Council Cecil Ward Building, 4-10 Linenhall Street
    Clonard Credit Union Ross Road, Springfield Road
    Court Credit Union Limited 217 Shankill Road
    Cregagh Post Office 15-17 Greenway, Cregagh Road
    Duncairn Gardens Post Office 240 Antrim Road
    Finaghy Post Office  87-89 Upper Lisburn Road
    Falls Leisure Centre 15-17 Falls Road
    Hamilton News 7 Greenway, Cregagh Road
    Hannahstown Credit Union 299 Glen Road
    Loughside Credit Union 208-210 North Queen Street
    Molloy Fuels 273 Falls Road
    Newington Credit Union Limited 239-241 Duncairn Gardens
    Riverdale Post Office Solo Garage, 200 Andersonstown Road
    Spar  117-123 Ravenhill Road
    Suffolk Post Office at Costcutters 120 Stewartstown Road
    Whiterock Leisure Centre Whiterock Road
    1. Add your name and address to the card, making sure you use the address where your oil will be delivered
    2. Buy fuel stamps from any of the retailers taking part in the scheme – each stamp costs £5 
    3. Stick the stamps on your savings card in the spaces provided
    4. Once you’re ready to buy oil, call any of the oil companies taking part in the scheme
    5. Tell them how much oil you want to order and how many stamps you want to use as payment. You should agree the price and amount of the oil you need, as well as the payment method, with the company.

    You can use as many or as few cards or stamps as you want with each order. For example, if you have four stamps, which are worth £20, you can use them as part-payment for your order. You do not have to have completed your savings card to use it as payment towards fuel.

    You can only use Stay Warm stamps – oil companies taking part in the scheme will not accept any other stamps on your card.

    Your savings card works as cash so make sure you keep it safe - we do not accept responsibility for any stolen, lost or damaged stamps or cards.

    Oil companies or retailers wanting to take part in the scheme, can register by emailing [email protected] or calling 028 9027 0428.

  • Participating oil companies

    These oil companies listed accept fuel stamps as part of the Stay Warm scheme.

    We do not endorse buying oil or goods from any oil company taking part in the Stay Warm scheme. We have an administrative role only in this scheme. We have not entered into any contractual relationship relating to the quality of oil or goods.

    Oil companies Telephone
    Carlisle Fuels 028 9756 1122 
    DE Andrews Fuels 028 9074 9595
    Finlay Fuels 028 9752 8332
    Irwin Fuels 028 9266 3891
    Knockbracken Fuels 028 9081 2733
    Lagan Oils 028 9267 6577
    Lisburn Fuels 028 9265 1004
    Meekin Oil 028 9752 1605
    Molloy Fuels 028 9032 1032
    Morrow Fuels 028  9262 1741
    Nicholl (Fuel Oil) Ltd 028 7181 0471
    Roy Kennedy Fuels 028 9261 1750
    Tweed Fuels 028 9338 2502
    Young Fuels 028 9442 2071
  • Stay Warm guidelines for oil companies and retailers

    Guidelines for oil companies

    This information is for oil companies accepting fuel stamps as part of the Stay Warm scheme.

    • We will send you everything you need to take part in the scheme, including claim forms and instructions.
    • Stay Warm stamps are sold for £5 each and will be on sale from retailers across Belfast.
    • Customers will be able to buy stamps from retailers and save them on a collection card. Each card has a unique serial number and can hold a total of 40 stamps (worth £200).
    • Partly-completed cards can be used to pay for oil.
    • When customers are ready to order oil, they will contact you, or another company taking part in the scheme, and order a delivery. Their collection card lists the names and contact details of all participating companies and explains that they should let their company know the exact value of the stamps they have saved.
    • You should then tell the customer how you expect to receive their collection card, for example, at the time of delivery or if it should be sent in before the oil is delivered.
    • When you receive the collection card, you should check the validity of the stamps and then deface, cancel or mark them so they cannot be used again. You should make sure however that the serial number can still be read.
    • It is your responsibility to check if stamps are valid, as we will not reimburse you for fraudulent stamps.
    • If a collection card contains stamps from multiple councils, we will only refund the Stay Warm stamps on the card.
    • You should send us your defaced oil stamp cards, together with a claim form which we will provide you with.
    • You may wish to think about using hand or recorded delivery for collection cards as we will not accept responsibility or pay for any stamps lost in the post.
    • We will reimburse you (electronically) within ten working days of receipt of your claim forms and collection cards.
    • We will not be liable for stamps or cards which are lost or stolen from customers, retailers or oil companies. Lost or stolen cards must be reported to us immediately.
    • If we are made aware of stamps which have been reported lost or stolen, we will provide their details to all registered oil suppliers.

    Guidelines for retailers

    This information is for retailers selling fuel stamps and savings cards as part of the Stay Warm scheme.

    • When you agree to sign up to the scheme, we will give you a book of oil stamps, as well as savings cards, promotional material and the materials you need to pay us for the stamps you sell. If you need more stamps, call us on 028 9027 0428.
    • A member of staff from your shop should sign for the stamps on delivery.
    • You will sell £5 oil stamps and savings cards to members of the public.
    • You should tell each customer to write their name and the address where their oil will be delivered on their collection card.
    • All money for the stamps you sell must be forwarded to us each week.
    • You can forward the money to us by either lodging it directly into our bank account, using the lodgement book we will provide you with, or by sending us a cheque, using the envelopes we will also provide.
    • You must return a reconciliation form in the envelope with the cheque or, if you are making a lodgement, you can post the form in the envelope provided or fax a copy of it to 028 9024 0396. We will supply you with reconciliation forms.
    • Once you have signed for your oil stamps, it is your responsibility to keep them secure on your premises, as you must either pay for sold stamps or return unsold stamps to us. You should keep a record of any damaged stamps and return them to us.
    • Once the stamps have been sold to a customer, they will not be able to get a refund from either your shop or us.
    • We will keep in regular contact with you to make sure the scheme is running effectively.
    • If your stamps are lost or stolen, you must contact us immediately. We will not be liable for stamps or collection cards which are lost or stolen from customers, retailers or oil companies.
    • If your business ceases trading, contact us to arrange the collection of your remaining oil stamps and to pay for any stamps you have sold.
  • Grants and energy efficiency advice

    There are grants for householders to make their homes more energy efficient by installing loft, cavity wall insulation and a new boiler or heating system. The grants are available to homeowners and private tenants.

    For grant information and energy advice, contact NI Energy Advice by email: [email protected] or call 0800 1114 455.

Contact us

For more information, get in touch.

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